lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

Postgraduate Studies

Hello again, dudes!
I would like to take a lot of postgraduate courses, I'm think that is pretty cool to choose exactly what you want to learn and avoiding the "extra content" you don't need. The courses I want to take are more focused in technique habilities more than everything. Cinematography (Photography for films), Animation (2D & 3D), special effects (Digital and make up) and something about music or sound.

I want to do this courses that aren't the most formal ones in a place where the level of the artist who teach them be high, I mean, people with a lot of experience and innovator spirit in each field; that means that I probably have to go abroad to get what I want, because here in Chile the film industry it's like a baby compared with the industry in other countries. My idea is to learn in situ, so distance learning isn't an option for me, I want to get real feedback and be able to discuss every doubt I could have in the process of learning.

These things are, of course kind of unrealistic hahahah, but they are what I want to get (in a beautiful and utopian world) I'll be satisfied if I can get just one of them, that's enough for me, but per now I'll keep dreaming. Also those courses aren't necessary to be formal one's, by having a "master" who teach you, just for love of art.

In these last posts I really look like the most innocent dreamer in the entire world hahahaha, and that's true, but it's the only way to keep motivated. Thank's for reading and don't forget to suscribe, click thumbs up and leaving a comment and  a +10.

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domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

My Favorite Movie

This is one of these one of those questions I even have to think a second to have the answer. My favorite all times movie is "The Godfather", by far the best movie I have ever seen. There are so many amazing things about this movie, starting by the casting, the photography, soundtrack, the story, and the movie itself, the way this was made, directed by the legendary Francis Ford Coppola. One of the things I like most about the film is that it have so much plot twists that make you be constatnly more interested the movie. Some people say that a good movie need to have at least one good scene to remember, and in this movie you can easily count at least 4 amazing scenes. (I'm not going to dwell on these, because I could be writing about the Godfather the whole day)

I like every kind of good movie, no matter the theme or genre, and for my, a good movie have to make you feel a lot and makes you think about them a lot after watched it, something like someone you like.

The last movie I've seen was "Tokyo Vampire Hotel" from Sion Sono, who is a pretty rad director, very versatile. I didn't like this movie so much, but I suggest you to watch some movies of this director like "Love Exposure" that is almost four hours lenght, but impressively really fun to watch, it's like a rollercoaster of emotions, from loud guffaws to tears. Amaizng.

So... that's all for today, make sure to watch these movies for your personal health. 

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My Favorite Book

Hello everyone. Today's blog is about what's my favorite book, and this is called "Las intermitencias de la muerte" by José Saramago. It's such an enternaining book that make you be pending on what is going to happen next, and is a really crazy fiction story with some romance in there in a rare way. (I highly recommend you to read it)
I chose this book because it came to me by a recomendation and it was one of these "revelations" that happen sometimes.

My favorite author in this moment is Ray Bradbury, I've read a tales book from when he starts writting, before he began writing science fiction; these tales are about crimes and it's called "Crimes Memory". I like this book because it have many crazy and fun stories to read.
I'm open to read every kind of book, no matter the genre, but latelly I've been  reading a lot of tales. I like them so much, if you have no much time to spend reading a big book there are an amazing option to refresh your mind from the stress of the university.

I hope you liked this blog and I invite you to read one of these books, I warantee you a good time, for sure. B    Y     E       B    Y     E

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017

My Future (I hope) Job

In my short experience in this diabolical labour system I've been constantly thinking about how my labour life will be in the near future. Having a "boss" in your back telling you what to do and how to do it every time has been the main issue during my experience, it's something that I can't bear. I like to be "free" doing what I like, so I think my perfect job it would be as a freelancer, being my own boss. Working indoor or outdoor it wouldn't be a problem, I like both, working inside a studio or outdoors.
 Travelling a lot would be a dream; knowing a lot of people who you learn from, many cultures and at the same time giving your own knowledge to them, it's that feedback what it really worth about travelling, never stop learning as a person aswell as an "artist" or whatever you do.
I know that I'll probably not become a millionare doing what I'm studying for (and I'm interested anyways) but I'll like to have enough to bring my projects to life and maybe give my parents a little retribution for all these years they helped me. 
I'm studying film and I want to grow up as a filmmaker, learn new things, specially about animation and music; but I also want to continue my journey of becoming a tattoo artist. 

Overall I think it's hard to get a dream job, but having the motivation to do what you want will help a lot to making that way much easier.